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Quality Policy

Hail Region Development Authority (HRDA) is concerned with the comprehensive planning and development of the region in different fields such as: urban, demographic, economic, developmental, social, cultural, environmental, tourism, transportation, infrastructure, and digital infrastructure, as well as aims to provide the region's needs of public services and facilities.

Considering this, HRDA seeks excellence and leadership within the framework of its goals and tasks by meeting the needs of the beneficiaries of its services and achieving their satisfaction through performance according to international standards, and with a high degree of professionalism to ensure quality and continuous improvement. Therefore, HRDA adopts an ambitious thought to achieve its goals and improve performance at all levels, the top management is committed to the following:

  1. Achieving the highest levels of quality and excellence in advancing the work of HRDA's departments in accordance with the relevant regulations.
  2. Raising awareness and appropriate support for HRDA's employees, raising their efficiency, and building the organizational capabilities to meet the requirements of beneficiaries and stakeholders to exceed their expectations and work on their satisfaction.
  3. Compliance with relevant legal and legislative laws, regulations, instructions and requirements.
  4. Enhancing the culture of quality by enhancing the process of measurement and continuous improvement, encouraging innovation in the authority, and raising general awareness of quality to serve beneficiaries at the internal and external levels.
  5. Full implementation of this policy, procedures and instructions to support the operations of the Quality Management System (QMS) in the authority and to carry out continuous improvement in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001 and the excellence model of the King Abdulaziz Quality Award (KAQA) and the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
  6. Raising operational efficiency and business continuity by developing, automating and controlling business processes.

HRDA is also keen to make this policy and the directives it covers available to all relevant parties and to ensure that they are communicated to all HRDA's employees through the means and channels of communication available to them. This policy, along with the quality objectives, will be regularly reviewed through management review meetings of the Quality Management System to ensure its continued implementation and application effectively and efficiently.

CEO Approval
Omar Bin Abdullah Al-Abd AL Jabbar
Date 21/01/1445 H