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The Spending Efficiency and Hail Region Development Authority launches a national capacity building program in government agencies

Journal news at 14 May 2024

The Spending Efficiency and Hail Region Development Authority launches a national capacity building program in government agencies

The Government Expenditure and Projects Efficiency Authority and the Hail Region Development Authority launched a national capacity building program in government agencies through the Procurement Efficiency Programme, the Project Management Programme, and the Assets and Facilities Management Programme, with the aim of improving their performance and enhancing their cognitive skills
The CEO of the Hail Region Development Authority, Omar bin Abdullah Al-Abdul-Jabbar, explained that this initiative, which the authority is working on in cooperation with the Spending Efficiency and Government Projects Authority during the period from May 13 to 15, 2024, is part of its efforts to support development programs to develop and empower workers in government agencies in the Hail region, with the aim of developing... And strengthening national human cadres working in this field to raise the quality and efficiency of the administrative and supervisory system
In public projects in the region
Al-Abdul-Jabbar stressed the importance of these programs that will contribute to achieving the goals and sustainable impact of businesses and projects, indicating that the Authority aims, through launching this program, to support five-year portfolio planners and managers of projects, assets and facilities, in addition to the preparers of capacity and demand studies and specifications and specifications booklets to improve business efficiency and the quality of outputs in project implementation. The initiatives are in line with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 by applying the best local and international practices and standards

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