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Launch of the Regional Plan and Local Plans for the Hail Region

Journal news at 02 October 2023

Launch of the Regional Plan and Local Plans for the Hail Region

The Hail Region Development Authority has launched the project for the regional plan of Hail City and the local plans for the provinces. Mr. Omar bin Abdullah Al-Abduljabbar, the Chief Executive Officer of the Hail Region Development Authority, explained that the project has been assigned to a global consulting firm specializing in urban planning. He noted that the project's goals include comprehensive planning studies to develop the Hail Region and its provinces in alignment with national objectives, visions, and strategies. It aims to enhance the region's relative advantages and identity within an integrated framework that involves various government sectors to achieve comprehensive development and ensure the quality of life for the region's residents.

The CEO of the Hail Region Development Authority, Mr. Omar Al-Abduljabbar, expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Saad bin Abdulaziz, the Governor of Hail Region and the Chairman of the Council of the Hail Region Development Authority, as well as His Highness the Deputy Governor, for their unlimited support, guidance, and continuous monitoring in their efforts to develop the Hail Region in all fields. He also thanked the Center for Supporting Authorities and the Quality of Life Program for their efforts in supporting the launch of the project.