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The Hail Region Development Authority visits the Rafaq Association for Orphan Care in Hail, in the presence of the Authority’s CEO, and with the participation of Her Highness the Princesses, daughters of Her Highness the Emir of the Hail Region

Journal news at 20 March 2024

The Hail Region Development Authority visits the Rafaq Association for Orphan Care in Hail, in the presence of the Authority’s CEO, and with the participation of Her Highness the Princesses, daughters of Her Highness the Emir of the Hail Region

The Hail Region Development Authority visited the Rufaq Association for Orphan Care in Hail, as part of its community initiatives and contributions in the region

The visit witnessed the presence of the Authority’s CEO, Mr. Omar bin Abdullah Al-Abdul-Jabbar, Her Highnesses Princesses Al-Jawhara, Madawi and Al-Anoud, daughters of Her Highness the Emir of the Hail Region, Chairman of the Authority’s Council, and a number of the Authority’s employees

During the visit, the delegation met with the association’s officials and the orphans, and learned about the services the association provides to orphans, and the needs they face

The Authority also provided the association with a financial donation to support its programs and activities, in confirmation of its commitment to supporting charitable institutions concerned with orphan care in the Hail region

Mr. Omar bin Abdullah Al-Abdul-Jabbar, CEO of the Hail Region Development Authority, expressed his happiness at the visit to the Rufaq Association for Orphan Care, stressing the authority’s keenness to provide support and assistance to charitable organizations concerned with caring for needy groups in the region

Al-Abdul-Jabbar added that this visit is part of the Social Authority’s initiatives that aim to enhance social solidarity and support orphans in the Hail region, and provide an appropriate environment for them to grow and become active individuals in society

For his part, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Rufaq Association for Orphan Care, Mr. Walid Al-Shadoukhi, appreciated the visit of the Hail Region Development Authority to the association, praising the support provided by the authority to the association

He stressed... that this support will contribute to improving the services provided by the association to orphans, and providing their basic needs

He also expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Highness the Emir of the Hail Region, Chairman of the Authority’s Council, and to Mr. Omar bin Abdullah Al-Abdul-Jabbar, the Executive Chairman of the Authority, and to all the Authority’s employees for their interest and support for the association

At the conclusion of the visit, the delegation toured the association’s headquarters, and learned about its facilities and the programs it provides to orphans