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The Hail Region Development Authority and the Project Management Institute - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Branch signed a memorandum of cooperation to enhance the field of project management in the Authority and the region

Journal news at 11 February 2024

The Hail Region Development Authority and the Project Management Institute - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Branch signed a memorandum of cooperation to enhance the field of project management in the Authority and the region

The Hail Region Development Authority and the Project Management Institute - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Branch signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at strengthening the field of project management in the Authority and the region.

The most important objectives of the memorandum are:

  • Providing training programs in the field of project management to raise the level of knowledge among Authority members
  • Providing specialized training opportunities for project management workers in the region, and male and female trainees in the Authority
  • Contributing to raising the quality of work outcomes through the global Project Management Institute (PMI) methodology.
  • Enhancing the participation of project managers in the Authority in local and international conferences
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