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About the Authority

The Hail Region Development Authority was established pursuant to Royal Order No. (7/B/4044) dated 16/2/1423 AH. It is a financially and administratively independent government body with a legal personality in accordance with the regulation of regions and cities development authorities issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (475) dated 07/ 09/1439 AH

Authority tasks

Planning and Legislation

Planning and Legislation

  • Drawing up general policies for developing the region
  • Preparing comprehensive strategic plans, studies, and plans for the region and its executive programs, and approve and update it when needed
  • Reviewing and approving development plans, programs and projects related to the Authority’s work prepared by other bodies to ensure the achievement of balanced development in the region.
  • Preparing building and land use regulations that are important in implementing and approving area development plan
  • Establishing and supervising the necessary programmes, foundations, procedures and ways to stimulate private sector participation in achieving development goals
  • Establishing and managing a database and urban information systems, to be a unified platform and reference for information on which agencies concerned with the development and advancement of the region rely on

Coordination and Empowerment

Coordination and Empowerment

  • Prioritizing the implementation of programs and projects in the region in accordance with development plans
  • Proposing the expropriation of some real estate to develop the area, in coordination with the region’s secretariat and the relevant agencies in preparation for completing the regulatory procedures in this regard.
  • Coordinating and organizing efforts among agencies related to developing the region and its development in accordance with approved studies and plans

Supervision and follow-up

Supervision and follow-up

  • Direct supervision of the planning, design, implementation and related operations and maintenance of strategic programs and projects
  • Follow up on the planning of infrastructure projects in coordination with the relevant agencies
  • Follow up on the implementation of programs and projects in the region and take the necessary measures to ensure their implementation in coordination with the relevant agencies
  • Supervising the rehabilitation of existing urban neighborhoods (including historical neighborhoods) and improving them, treating, developing and upgrading slum neighborhoods and taking what is necessary to ensure this is implemented.